Carson Mayor Targeted in Sexual Harassing Suit

Brian HewsNewsLeave a Comment

Albert Robles, now mayor of Carson, reciting Pledge of Allegiance. Photo: Gary Friedman / Los Angeles Times

Hews Media Group-Community News has exclusively learned of a sexual harassment complaint filed by former Water Replenishment District Director Lynn Dymally against Albert Robles, a current director who recently became the mayor of Carson. The 11-page complaint, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by Ms. Dymally’s attorney Jason Buccat, based out of Culver City, slams Mr. Robles with sexual battery … Read More

A dee-Lightful Fairy Tale Unwinds at Vets This Week

Garth SandersA&ELeave a Comment

“Live musical theatre with talented local kids, ages 7 to 17 — that is how deeLighful Productions’ next stage play, the popular “Into the Woods Jr.,” is billed. “Into the Woods” will play for three nights at the Vets Auditorium – Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7, plus a 3 o’clock matinee on Saturday. Tickets, at $10, only are available … Read More

Why Culver City Needs a Poet Laureate

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

[Editor’s Note: Dr. Hoult, who hopes to be appointed Culver City’s poet laureate, attended last night’s meeting of the Cultural Affairs Commission, charged with making recommendations. Here is her report.] A couple months ago I went to the Cultural Affairs Commission to let them know that I was in the process of planning to have poetry contests during the Centennial in … Read More

Abigail/1702: Not a Crucible, But Still Fine Theatre

Frédérik SisaA&E, TheatreLeave a Comment

Jennifer Cannon and Jace Febo in Abigail/1702. Photo: Suzanne Mapes

What ever happened to teenaged Abigail Williams? Last we heard, she escaped Arthur Miller’s The Crucible – and the ruin she catalyzed in Salem – with money stolen from her Uncle Parris. Her fate was left to us to imagine for ourselves, based on our appraisal of her character. Was she a  sociopath or merely a troubled opportunist? Malicious or … Read More

These Are the Rhymes That Try Men’s Souls

Dr. Janet HoultOP-EDLeave a Comment

Photo: Indiana Arts Commission

[Editor’s Note: Long recognized as the premier public poet of Culver City, Dr. Hoult sent the following email to the City Council on Monday evening after members determined that naming of a poet laureate first should be studied by the Cultural Affairs Commission.] Hello Culver City City Councilmembers, It was heartening to see that you are all in favor of … Read More

Let Trumpets Blare as ‘Sign’ of Victory

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

City Council heard anti-billboard activists. Photo: Chelsea Longworth

Meghan Sahli-Wells smilingly was accepting congratulations yesterday for being the chief actor on the City Council in managing to eliminate all signage references from economic plans for a commercially bordered southerly Culver City neighborhood. “Absolutely this was a victory” she said of her nearly year-long campaign to oust any mention of billboards or their cousins for reasons of the environment … Read More

Stigma of Being Unemployed Runs Deep

Sylvia MooreOP-EDLeave a Comment

President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Photo: AP Photo

Presidential election season is officially underway, and the next Chief Executive — hopefully, a Democrat — will have to deal with an economy that, while recovering, still is less than stellar. March’s jobs report was underwhelming: The federal government stated only 126,000 jobs were created after a year-long streak of monthly job figures north of 200,000. Meanwhile, the situation of … Read More

Praytell, the Invocation Is Stoically Unchanged

Ari L. NoonanNewsLeave a Comment

Dearly beloved, we may – or we may not – be gathered here for a solemn purpose, which, dearly beloved, can be debated, if not decided, later. The Invocation, which was absent with an excuse for the past 12 months, made a triumphant return, sort of, at Monday evening’s City Council meeting. A year after then-new Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells announced … Read More

State of L.A. Transit Is Rated Encouraging

Gloria OhlandOP-EDLeave a Comment

Departing MTA Chief Executive Art Leahy, left, with successor Phil Washington, is expected to move to Southern California's Metrolink commuter rail agency. Photo: Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times

At Move L.A.’s seventh annual Transportation Conversation, Los Angeles Mayor Garcetti talked at some length about the city’s transformation into an example of what a new American city looks like. “We are building the first truly modern city in the world,” he said, and the build-out of L.A.’s transit system has been a powerful lever for making people think differently … Read More

City Manager’s Bi-Weekly Update to the Community

John NachbarNewsLeave a Comment

Culver City
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Community Development Dept. Hare Now, Hare Now — The Culver Village Business Assn. held their second annual Bunny Hop last month  when. participating businesses handed out treats, prizes and specials for children and families attending this family-friendly event on Sepulveda Boulevard between Culver Boulevard and the Culver-Palms Y. Hayden Tract Spur – The city and the Hayden Tract Owners Assn. … Read More