After Five Marine Call-ups, Lt. Col. McCarthy Is Weighing No. 6

Ari L. NoonanNews

[Editor’s Note: Second in a series about Dep. City Attorney David McCarthy, a U.S. Marine reservist, and the hot national debate over post-traumatic stress disorder for returning military veterans. Having undergone counseling at the end of his latest tour of duty, Mr. McCarthy was ordered to be further checked out when he attempted to return to work. See Part 1, “How Life Changed for a Military Hero When He Came Home to Culver City,” April 24.]


Armenta and O’Leary — Where Will They Fit in After They Are Seated Tonight?

Ari L. NoonanEditor's Essays

It may not be an exact analogy. But trying to picture new City Council members Mehaul O’Leary and Christopher Armenta on the dais shortly after 7 o’clock this evening is kind of like trying to imagine your girlfriend as your wife.

She really will be on the porch, dressed to kill, at 5:30 every afternoon before you breeze through the door, flinging her adored and loving arms around you as she squeezes the last five drops of stress out of your consciousness.

I don’t think Mr. Armenta’s wife Colleen or Mr. O’Leary’s wife Susan will be throwing their arms around anybody but their hubbies tonight.

Indigestion ’08: Bad Thinking in the Media

Frédérik SisaThe Recreational Nihilist

Pennsylvania is done, we have Indiana and North Carolina to look forward to – yes, the national gastric disorder I call Indigestion ’08 continues. And with it endures the media’s most annoying analytical blind spots.

Michigan and Florida

Missing in all the theatrical pleas to help “disenfranchised” Michigan/Florida voters is the fact that their votes aren’t part of a big-­D Democratic process, but are involved in an internal party matter. Complaining about disenfranchised voters in these two states is like complaining that members of the local Country Club were disenfranchised in voting for their officers. When it comes to Florida and Michigan, the people responsible for screwing over voters aren’t the candidates or the DNC; the fault lies with state party leaders who tried to get cute by breaking their own party’s rules. Put their heads on a platter, let them apologize to voters for throwing out their votes, and let’s all remember that…

Brotman Financial Turnaround Is Underway, According to CEO

Ari L. NoonanNews

Second in a series

Brotman has existed for more than 80 years, and it likely will be around for another 80.” — The hospital’s CEO

After half a year on the job as the Chief Executive Officer of chronically troubled Brotman Medical Center, which filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy last autumn, Stan Otake says, euphemistically, that the bleeding has been stanched.

Culver High Plays It Close to the End in Lacrosse Season Finales


Downey High School’s lacrosse team came to Culver City High last Tuesday night with a simple and effective game plan: Place a talented goalie in net to ward off the Centaur attack,and then smother that offense with a swarming defense.

The strategy worked for a 9-6 Downey victory.

By double- and triple-teaming the middies and attackmen at various times in the game, Downey was able to capitalize on changes of possession and rack up an early lead (6-2 at halftime).

Step by Step, Brotman CEO Otake Traces Momentous Events of This Morning’s Emergency

Ari L. NoonanNews

First in a series

Responding rapidly this morning to a galloping employee uprising that was developing over a delayed payroll, Brotman Medical Center officials promised — and appeared to have corrected “the technical glitch” by early this afternoon.

Brotman, in Chapter 11 bankruptcy since last September, explained with emphasis that the error was random, unrelated to the bankruptcy. The Culver City hospital traced the failing to its payroll processing company in Orange County

One In Five Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Suffer from PTSD or Major Depression


[Editor’s Note: In view of the exclusive series that the newspaper began yesterday on Dep. City Atty. David McCarthy on post-traumatic stress disorder — especially as it relates to one’s employer — we offer this timely report, released last week by the Rand Corp. of Santa Monica, the non-profit global policy think tank. The McCarthy series (“How Life Changed for a Military Hero When He Came Home to Culver City,” April 24) will resume Monday.]

Nearly 20 percent of military service members who have returned from Iraq and Afghanistan — 300,000 in all — report symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder or major depression, yet only slightly more than half have sought treatment, according to a new Rand Corp. study.

An Easy Choice on Which Hand to Raise in the Ridley-Thomas/Parks Debate

Ari L. NoonanOP-ED

• The Ridley-Thomas/Parks debate will be televised by Channel 7 on Saturday, May 3, at 3:30 p.m.


This was the bodybuilder against the concave-chested scarecrow.

More precisely, the scholarly student who has studied every day of the term against the 11th hour student who started cramming an hour before finals.

The Water’s Lukewarm at the ‘Pool Party’

Frédérik SisaA&E, Film

Why is it that overweight women in wannabe quasi-nudie-cuties are typically the butt of jokes, strange creatures whose sexuality is treated as something not to be taken seriously – something repulsive, even? Here’s another question: What would happen to films like “Pool Party” if there weren’t a surplus of nubile young women willing to take their tops off for the chance of being in a feature? The answer, of course, has to with Sarah Horvath, the boss’s daughter, appearing in various states of undress in all her scenes. There’s nothing quite like parading a bevy of bikini-clad beauties to keep viewers from noticing the plot’s recycled content and the used-joke smell of the comedy.

Chapter 7, New Immigrant Encounters Multi-Colored Lifestyles


Dateline Jerusalem — I took a bus from Tel Aviv to where I rented an apartment. The synagogue is across the street, the post office around the corner, the pharmacy next to the post office, a small market next to the pharmacy, and the urgent care/medical group is about a 10-minute walk from there.

Across the street from the urgent care are the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Absorption.