Dorothy, Where Are You? We Need You Now

Dr. Janet HoultOP-ED

What are you thinking, Culver City? Or like ­scarecrows, not thinking at all?
Endangering homes you deemed “Landmark”
For another development, not the least bit small

A huge building right next door to our “culturally significant” homes
Will cause all sorts of problems galore.
Culver City, what goes on in your domes?

Attention Entrada Opponents: Here Is an Alert for April 14


We all remember the 1967 movie, “Rush to Judgment: The Plot to Kill JFK,” a documentary about the JFK assassination.

Now coming out of Culver City, the Heart of Screenland, is the sequel, “Rush to Judgment II: the Entrada Tower.” The sequel concerns the actions of a governmental body to get a money hungry developer’s large project approved before this governmental body is replaced.

A Terrific $ Month for Weissman, O’Leary, Cooper and Armenta

Ari L. NoonanNews

March was a happily green month for half of the City Council candidates in next week’s election — and the shimmering emerald had nothing to do with either St. Patrick’s Day or the environment.

As one of the only remotely promising gauges of interest in the election — that concludes next Tuesday — the sharp spike in the dollar derby suggests interest is awakening in a voting community long branded lethargic.

Million-Dollar Bail for Finizza, the St. Patrick’s Day Stabbing Suspect

Ari L. NoonanNews

Knife firmly in his grasp, a smallish 31-year-old man who allegedly went on a mad-dash stabbing spree around midnight on St. Patrick’s Day, is in County Jail this afternoon, charged with two counts of assault with a deadly weapon.

Justin Finizza, who was reported severely injured himself at the end of the melee, is being held on $1 million bail.

The victim, Andrew Wilson, said to have been stabbed five times, remains in serious condition, according to Culver City police.

A Culver City Returnee Thanks Cooper for Making Her Community Safe

Letters to the EditorLetters

I am a new resident of Culver City. I am also a single, middle-aged woman. I am writing in support of Jeff Cooper’s candidacy
for City Council, and I would like to explain why:

I lived in Culver City for 11 years, 1972-1983. Then I moved to a home in Mar Vista, adjacent to Culver City in Mar Vista. Though I loved my new
neighborhood, I missed the sense of security and safety I found as a
single person while I resided in Culver City.

Fighting Back: Armenta Is a Man of His Word, She Says to Reader Charges

Letters to the EditorLetters

Election cycles begin with civility and good will amongst the candidates.

Just prior to Election Day, the tide always seems to turn…for the worse.

The vast majority of residents earnestly want to hear about the candidates’ positions on matters of importance to our city.

Ridley-Thomas Throws His Support to Henderson in Council Race


State Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas (D-Culver City) has announced his endorsement of Dr. Luther Henderson for City Council in Culver City’s general municipal election next Tuesday April 8.

“Dr. Henderson is a leader in business and higher education,” Sen. Ridley-Thomas said.

“He has the skills, experience and vision that Culver City needs now. I proudly support his campaign. I urge registered voters in Culver City to cast their ballots for Dr. Henderson.

Weissman Was Impressive as Chair of the Charter Review Group

Letters to the EditorLetters

I was very happy to learn that Andrew Weissman is running for the City Council of Culver City. I got to work with Andy when I was the principal consultant to the Culver City Charter Review Committee, of which Andy was the Chair. Based on that experience, I know exactly what sort of Councilmember he will be.

The Committee was filled with talented and involved people. There were lots of great ideas and tremendous energy. To harness that energy, and to lead the Committee toward the truly substantive changes it recommended and brought successfully to the voters, required a special person.

In Praise of Cooper’s Work as Parks-Recreation Chair

Letters to the EditorLetters

I’m supporting Jeff Cooper for City Council because he possesses two important qualifications: character and experience.

Jeff has a long record of participation in our community and experience in local government. He serves as Chair of the Parks and Recreation Commission.

Armenta Qualifies as Best


As a voter in Culver City for 62 years, I would like to recommend the most highly qualified candidate, Christopher Armenta, in next Tuesday’s City Council election.

He has earned his approval from the
people he works with, family, friends and those he meets.