Bradford Trolling for Dollars

Reggie Jones-SawyerNewsLeave a Comment

Mr. Bradford
[Editor’s Note: Assemblyman Jones-Sawyer is chair of the state Legislative Black Caucus.]

We at the Caucus have a lot riding on this spring’s election in the 35th Senate district.

Steve Bradford is the only African American running for the seat, currently held by one of our members, state Sen. Isadore Hall.

This is important because our community only has two representatives in the state Senate.

We are working hard to maintain our representation in the legislature by ensuring that we send highly qualified leaders to serve as the voice of our community in the Legislature, such as Mr. Bradford.

Without the financial resources necessary to win, there is no telling what can happen on Election Day.

Only three days before the critical end-of-2015 fundraising deadline.

Can you chip in to help Mr. Bradford for the final push? Give what you can to help put him over the top.

Not only has Mr. Bradford proven himself for our community, he has been a real champion for all communities. He is the only candidate who helped pass California’s forward-thinking law that allows immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, and so much more, from jobs and economic development to enhancing public safety and keeping our environment safe and clean.

So much is at stake in this election.

A donation today can significantly increase Mr. Bradford’s chances.


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