Home News Andy and Mehaul – Their Final 146 Days

Andy and Mehaul – Their Final 146 Days

A (Christmas) tree is a tree is a tree. Photo: Maliz Ong

First in a series. 

You will forgive a tear – here is a guarantee some will be shed – at Thursday evening’s 6 o’clock Christmas tree lighting in front of The Culver Hotel, Downtown.

Except for two well-known personalities, faces of both the young and the mature will be wreathed in joyful holiday smiles as they join the throng pouring into the plaza on the south side of the hotel.

While families happily surge toward the performing stage and the 22-foot Christmas tree burning brilliantly with 7500 LED lights, Mayor Mehaul O’Leary and Vice Mayor Andy Weissman will be starting their farewell tours.

Both veterans will be mustered from office in 146 days, having  served the maximum eight years on the City Council.

Back in the early 1990s, no one was more forceful than Councilmembers Steve Gourley and the late Albert Vera in hyping the supposedly irrefutable logic of restricting the number of years one could serve in elected office.

Although political corruption seldom takes a holiday, Messrs. Gourley and Vera were capitalizing on a particularly ripe stretch. Voters agreed so loudly Mr. Gourley had to clamp a hand over one ear.

Eight years ago, the Charter Review Committee delicately addressed – and unaddressed – this spicy subject. Since voters were faced with an up or down vote on revises in the Charter, the Review committee decided toying with the bomb of term limits was too risky.

Therefore, with sadness and regrets, Mr. Weissman, owner of one of the longest service records in the 98-year history of Culver City, and Mr. O’Leary who l-o-v-e-s being mayor, move slowly toward the door.

As the world knows, Irish ladies and lads cry more easily than any other culture.

Mr. O’Leary, who emigrated from Ireland nearly 30 years ago – when Mr. Weissman already was ensconced in City Hall – has a second reason to create a tear, as if one were needed. He is scheduled to sever relations this month with his right arm, also known as the enormously popular Irish pub, Joxer Daly’s.

(To be continued)


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