May I Have Proof of Your Identity

Ari L. NoonanBreaking News, NewsLeave a Comment

Here is the latest proof for how we know that leftists/Democrats and whatever other labels extremists use to demonstrate they are lying:

When I reported to School District offices yesterday morning for an appointment, a security person asked for printed proof of my identity.

After I complied with my business card, she said no, thank you. She required my driver’s license. Fine.

She inserted the identity proof into a device validating my claim, and out came a sticky card I pasted onto my shirt.

The Democrat party that founded the KKK almost 150 years ago has been cribbing elections for decades.

For this reason, normal Americans in normal states tightened voting rules so that Democrat voters would have to prove they really were Don Duck or Mick Mouse or Superman.

As mavens in victimology, leftists/Democrats cranked up their banshee howls.

Shedding disproportionately large tears, leftists wailed that forcing voters to flash photo IDs was, altogether now, class:

  • Unfair to blacks, most of whom are poor,
  • Unfair to others of color because most of them are poor,
  • Unfair to working ladies because, between their jobs and their real jobs at home, they would not have time to shop for a photo ID,
  • Unfair to old people because…well, they don’t need an excuse,
  • Unfair to students because they are so committed to their studies, 18 hours daily, they don’t have time to protest, let alone steal a photo ID.

After years of practicing lying, Obama, the Clintons, Congressmen John Lewis of Georgia and Elijah Cummings, all members of Hate International, and choruses of illegal aliens have chanted and xeroxed phony outcries against tightening voting rules.

“These new regulations are racist,” said Obama.

Tell it to the School District with the fourth most diverse high school in America, Mr. President.

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